Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design

    In Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design, Geyer tells his readers that “if a definition of Permaculture is not big enough for you, widen it. It’s yours to do with what you will” (32). This mindset encourages people to find meaning in Permaculture and to explore the world with a fresh perspective. Using the natural flow and inspiration of zen, this book offers meditative guidelines to better understand the philosophy behind Permaculture design. 

    Whether you have been practicing Permaculture for years or have never even heard of it, this book provides everyone with insightful quotes that recontextualize Permaculture principles. Geyer invites you to slow down, observe from stillness, and reflect. Permaculture is not a dogmatic practice; therefore, there isn’t one voice of authority and you are encouraged to become your own leader. Zen and Permaculture both emphasize the interconnectedness of life, so this is the perfect book to reconnect with yourself and with nature. Allow your mind to wander and your body to become still as you read Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design! 

    At the Eastern Shore Food Lab, we embrace the Permaculture philosophy and have designed our campus garden using Permaculture design systems. Our garden mimics natural patterns and flows to optimize plant functionality. At the Food Lab, we utilize the chaotic edge (a Permaculture term) to engage the community and create urgency around our food mission. 

    — Nicole Hatfield

    zen in the art of permaculture design

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    Want to learn more about Permaculture? Check out these Permaculture resources![BROKEN LINK]